
Bellagio In The Desert Residential Treatment Center

Mental Wellness From Research to Recovery

Bellagio In The Desert identifies, innovated, and practices new methods, backed by the latest research. Learn more about the most recent subjects on mental wellness and recovery.

dangers of opioid abuse

What are the Potential Dangers of Opioid Abuse?

Opioids are both a miracle and a curse. When prescribed for people with cancer or severe injuries, opioids offer relief ...
finding the best drug rehab

Finding the Best Drug Rehab in Lancaster, CA

Choosing a Treatment Center in Lancaster, CA, can be a complex and overwhelming process for anyone. The numerous available options ...
social detox vs. clinically-supervised detox

Social Detox vs. Clinically-Supervised Detox

All substance abuse rehabilitation programs begin with detoxification. This is a critical process in which the patient’s body removes any ...
group therapy 1 1658174487.996213 optimized

How to Get the Most Out of Group Therapy

Almost all healthcare professionals concur that therapy sessions are crucial to a full recovery. It has helped people grasp the ...
addiction treatment for construction workers

Substance Addiction in the Construction Industry

Construction work is a respected and worthwhile line of work. However, it can also place its workers at a higher risk for alcohol and substance ...
addiction treatment for first responders

Substance Abuse among First Responders

First responders see firsthand the most horrific scenes than the average human. They're exposed to the devastating effects tragedies can have on individuals, families, and ...