Finding the Best Drug Rehab in Lancaster, CA

finding the best drug rehab

Choosing a Treatment Center in Lancaster, CA, can be a complex and overwhelming process for anyone. The numerous available options can make choosing a drug or alcohol detox center challenging. There are over 16,000 substance abuse facilities in the United States alone. Therefore, there are many considerations to consider when choosing the right center.

Having many drug and alcohol treatment options helps patients find the right treatment centers. It is essential to find a center to help support their journey to a successful recovery. However, before deciding which drug rehab center to pick, patients must conduct research and consider several key factors.

Tips for Finding the Best Drug Detox Center in Lancaster, CA

Drug or alcohol addiction treatment isn’t the same for everyone. Finding a suitable treatment facility for the patient’s specific needs is critical. Finding the appropriate treatment program can increase the patient’s chances of completing the treatment program and maintaining sobriety.

Here are some essential considerations people should make when choosing the right treatment center for their needs:

1. Inpatient Vs. Outpatient Programs

Admission to an inpatient or outpatient drug or alcohol detox program depends on the patient’s addiction severity. Each program has its merits and demerits. So, the right choice depends more on the individual’s needs.

Inpatient programs or residential treatment centers are recommended for patients with more severe addiction. These programs require the patient to reside within the facility for the duration of the treatment. Patients receive round-the-clock medical care. Inpatient treatment is typically better for people with other psychological or medical issues accompanying substance abuse.

On the other hand, outpatient programs are more suitable for patients with less severe addiction. These qualifying patients may wish to attend substance detox without stopping school or work. However, patients who opt for outpatient programs must have a strong will to succeed with their treatments. This is because outpatient programs involve much less supervision and control.

Unlike in inpatient settings, patients in outpatient programs become more susceptible to triggers and temptations when they go home.

2. Specialized Treatment Programs and Therapies

No two drug detox stories are alike. From detox treatment to residential and outpatient programs, the best drug rehab centers provide all levels of care and support. 

Look for a drug rehab center that does not take the cookie-cutter approach to care for patients. Detox centers should provide effective addiction treatment by using a holistic, evidence-based approach for all patients. The proper alcohol detox in Lancaster, CA, should be able to treat other mental health disorders like depression or anxiety.

Many drug rehab centers also offer individual and group therapies to help patients recover from their addiction quickly and more effectively. Rehab programs should provide several types and styles of treatments that cater to everyone’s specific needs.

An ideal detox program should help patients transition into sobriety and meet future needs as they continue their recovery journey. Quality treatment will consider the person as a whole and support their journey to long-term recovery.

3. Accreditation, Licensing, and Certifications

All reputable drug detox centers in Lancaster, CA, are accredited by The Joint Commission. This independent nonprofit organization bases its accreditation on industry performance standards, quality, and value.

Additionally, drug detox centers should be certified to advertise their detox programs and services. This certification ensures that only legitimate, quality rehab treatment centers can promote their programs and services. It is a process meant to provide the consumer with protection.

It is not always obvious which detox centers are ethical or unethical. Therefore, always check every detox center’s accreditation, licensing, and certifications before using the services.

4. Amenities

Substance addiction treatment itself is an essential aspect of drug detox facilities. However, having a calm and therapeutic environment plays a critical role in a patient’s recovery. Drug detox centers with several amenities patients can use to help soothe clients who are going through difficult situations.

Many drug rehab centers have amenities to appeal to patients and provide additional experiences that aid their healing processes. Some potential amenities drug detox centers may have include:

  • Massage therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Chiropractic services
  • Art and music therapy
  • Gyms
  • Beautiful landscapes
  • Expressive therapies
  • and many more

NOTE: having more drug rehab facilities typically increases the cost of the programs and some patients. Some patients may also not afford these amenities or find them unnecessary.

5. Location

Substance detox centers offer a sanctuary where patients can recover with the help of evidence-based treatments and therapies. Often centered in a remote location, most detox programs use seclusion to remove patients from addiction triggers. Being removed from potential triggers allows them to focus on recovery.

However, some patients, especially those with commitments closer to home, prefer nearby facilities to be more convenient. Getting admitted to a rehab center away from home removes distractions. It also completely breaks the patient’s connection and their former life. These may include toxic routines and relationships that encourage alcohol and drug use.

The best drug detox programs should help patients recover in place. These centers focus on integrating new behaviors and applying new skills to help them reintegrate and interact in the community.

6. Cost & Insurance Coverage

Expert care and cost are the two most significant factors patients consider when looking for a drug or alcohol rehab center. Continuing an addiction will be more costly to the patient (not only financially but mentally, emotionally, and physically) than seeking treatment.

Fortunately, health insurance policies cover drug and alcohol detox facilities. But it is vital to ascertain that the drug rehab accepts health insurance before starting their detox treatments or programs.

The cost of drug treatment shouldn’t be the patient’s primary concern. However, it still plays a critical role in determining which rehab program to enroll in.

7. Aftercare and Continued Care Options

Completing a drug detox program is only the first step of addiction treatment. Patients recovering from substance use face significant challenges, especially in maintaining sobriety. Bellagio RTC has continued care options for alcohol and drug detox patients. Our extended programs guide patients through the subsequent critical phases of their addiction treatment.

Dangers of Detoxing at Home

As easy as some people may think detoxing at home is, substance abuse is more than just a struggle with willpower. In more challenging situations, the patient may experience intense mental and physical symptoms that can even cause fatal complications, including:

1. Relapse and Overdose

Many patients who detox at home relapse when intense withdrawal symptoms kick in. When this happens, they may find it impossible to resist the drug or alcohol. In difficult situations, relapse may result in a fatal overdose due to cravings that become overwhelming over time.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) records over 100,000 deaths annually from drug overdose. This means that detoxing from home can put people with substance use disorder in further danger.

2. Struggles with Mental Well-Being

People who withdraw from drugs or alcohol may experience depression, frustration, panic, and exhaustion. Mental health conditions can also co-occur with substance use disorder and escalate during the detox period. It becomes even more dangerous to experience these feelings at home.

3. Health Complications

Detoxing at home can also result in health complications. These complications include seizures and severe psychotic symptoms, which require specialized care from medical professionals. Co-occurring chronic health conditions can worsen and cause other complications and side effects. Under these conditions, a person cannot receive effective treatment at home. 

Drug and Alcohol Detox in Lancaster, CA

Bellagio RTC’s caring representatives work round the clock to help patients recover from drug and alcohol addiction. The best drug rehab centers in California equip patients with the support they need. At Bellagio, our team of professionals conducts in-depth pre-assessments to determine the level of care each patient may need. We develop a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient to ensure they receive the best care possible.

Nobody should have to struggle with their addiction alone. Our team of compassionate experts provides patients with supportive, individualized, and evidence-based treatment programs to give patients full recovery. Get in touch to learn more about our drug rehab services in Lancaster, CA.


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