Cocaine Detox

Bellagio In The Desert Residential Treatment Center


According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, each year in the United States, over five million people use cocaine, including young people ages 12 and up. Although cocaine is addictive, not everyone who uses the drug develops a substance abuse disorder.

While cocaine produces a rush and euphoria, a person who struggles with cocaine addiction can experience long effects that endanger their health and longevity. One out of every five drug overdose deaths in the United States features cocaine in some way, making it essential that a person struggling with addiction undergo detox and substance abuse treatment. Recovery is possible with the right treatment advisor and drug detox, drug addiction is not an easy path to navigate, and the cocaine withdrawal timeline may vary depending on each person’s needs.

The cocaine detoxification process is not easy since cocaine is considered to be one of the most addictive drugs. It is very important to seek the appropriate treatment option that will provide efficient results for substance use disorder.

This guide covers everything a person needs to know about cocaine, its long-term effects, and cocaine detox.

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a drug created from the coca plant found in South America. Mostly, it’s illegal to have and use cocaine, although there are medical uses. In the early 1900s, cocaine was used by doctors for pain relief and various other uses.

However, researchers soon realized that cocaine is highly addictive. When a person continues to use cocaine for long periods, they’ll experience long-term, unpleasant side effects. Medical professionals adopted other methods of pain relief.

Cocaine is ingested in many forms, such as sniffed as a powder or injected into a vein as a liquid. People who struggle with cocaine addiction start using it for the rush of energy they receive since cocaine is a stimulant. Over time, the symptoms of cocaine addiction become apparent.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Cocaine Abuse Disorder?

While using cocaine once can create a high, and a feeling of euphoria, someone who struggles with cocaine abuse disorder will experience long-term effects that don’t dissipate between uses. As a person becomes addicted to cocaine, they’ll build up a tolerance and require more to experience the same high.

Some of the long-term effects and dangers of cocaine use include the following:

Cocaine addiction can create health issues that plague a person for the rest of their life. People who have moved past casual use into addiction need cocaine detox.

Symptoms of Cocaine Abuse

A person or loved one who struggles with cocaine addiction might suspect a problem, but they aren’t sure that cocaine detox is needed.

Some clear symptoms indicate that a person has moved past casual usage and into addiction, such as

If a person recognizes these symptoms in themselves or someone they love, the first step to conquering the addiction is cocaine detox.

What Is Detox?

When a person struggles with a substance abuse disorder, the first step to recovery is almost always detox. This is when the person first stops using the substance — in many cases, cold turkey. There are a few drugs where the patient needs to be weaned off the drug or use another medication in its place.

During detox, the person struggles with withdrawal; some withdrawal symptoms can be serious. Cocaine dependence is not easy to overcome. A specialized cocaine detox center is recommended. Many people choose to detox in an inpatient program, where medical professionals supervise the patient’s withdrawal process and addiction treatment.

What to Expect During Detox From Cocaine Abuse Disorder

During detox, the patient stops taking their drug of choice, and the substance slowly leaves the body. The person will experience withdrawal symptoms as the body craves more cocaine, including

The seizures can be life-threatening, making it essential for the patient to withdraw under medical supervision. Most patients choose to handle cocaine detox in an inpatient setting, so once they complete detox, they can begin intense therapy to gain the skills to remain sober.

How Long Does Detox Take?

The time it takes a person to detox varies from one person to the next. A person can expect withdrawal symptoms to begin in a few hours to as long as a day. The initial intense withdrawal period lasts a week to 10 days.

Depending on how long the patient has used cocaine, the person may struggle with fatigue and other withdrawal symptoms for a few months. Some people continue to experience cravings for cocaine throughout their life.

Benefits of Cocaine Detox

The biggest benefit of cocaine detox is that the patient takes the first step to overcoming their addiction. Cocaine detox allows the patient to begin therapy and build the tools and skills to avoid triggers and relapse.

Detoxing from cocaine also makes it easier for the person to reconnect with family, go back to enjoying the things they always have, and maintain employment. Cocaine detox opens a world of possibilities for a person struggling with substance abuse disorder.

Partner With Bellagio for Successful Detox Treatment

When someone struggles with cocaine abuse disorder, they might not realize that they’re addicted. However, the long-term effects of using this substance mean the person needs to seek cocaine detox to protect their health. A loved one with a child or friend struggling with cocaine addiction needs to encourage the person to seek cocaine detox.

At Bellagio, our cocaine detox program is geared toward the patient’s success. We have treatment options available to help patients find long-term recovery and healthy coping skills. Our caring and compassionate staff members work tirelessly to help a person overcome their cocaine addiction and build tools to remain sober throughout their lifetime.

Contact us today to learn more about our treatment program!