Alcohol Rehab in Lancaster CA

Bellagio In The Desert Residential Treatment Center


People suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) can feel as if there is no hope of getting out of the addiction. Many people give up after a few attempts to stop the habit of drinking. However, it becomes tough to stop when the problem persists.

With the high rate of alcoholism in the US, several alcohol treatment centers have been set up across the country. However, not all alcohol treatment facilities provide effective treatment.

Overcoming AUD begins with a qualified treatment facility that can address a patient’s underlying problem. The therapy helps patients resist triggers that make it hard to recover. There is a need for families of patients suffering from AUD to find treatment facilities. It is essential to find a treatment center that addresses the root cause of their problems. 

Bellagio RTC in Lancaster, CA, is one of California’s most trusted AUD treatment centers. Care providers at the facility address each patient’s problem individually to facilitate effective recovery.

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

For most adults in the US, alcohol is probably one way to unwind after a day or week-long activity. Moderate alcoholism is not always harmful. However, it becomes a medical problem when it gets out of control. In extreme cases, it may require urgent and effective medical intervention.

AUD also referred to as alcoholism, is a health condition characterized by heavy and unregulated consumption of alcohol. AUD can lead to emotional distress, physical harm, and psychological problems. With about 18 million American adults suffering from AUD, it is evident that irresponsible drinking habits cause pain and injury.

The effects of AUD can range from mild to severe. But, people with severe AUD can not cease alcoholism without assistance, even if it causes damage to themselves and others. AUD can also lead to the following:

  • Craving. This is the strong urge to consume more alcohol frequently.
  • Loss of control
  • Negative emotional state. This is anxiety and irritability when not drinking.


Without the necessary medical intervention, AUD can become a lifelong disease and sometimes result in fatal consequences.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction sets in when users can no longer control their alcohol use. Critical signs of AUD to observe include:

  • Inability to stop drinking despite attempts to stop
  • Failure to control the amount of alcohol that you consume
  • Spending a lot of time drinking or recovering from alcohol use
  • Strong urge or craving to drink
  • Forfeiting essential duties for alcohol
  • Continuing with drinking despite noting emotional distress, physical harm, or psychological disturbance
  • Withdrawal from social groups or social activities
  • Occasional or frequent withdrawal symptoms, including sweating, shaking, and nausea when you have not taken alcohol
  • Consuming alcohol while engaging in alcohol-restricted activities such as driving or operating machines
  • Using alcohol to escape real-life problems


Experiencing two or three of the above signs for some time manifests a mild AUD. However, people experiencing five or more are likely to suffer from severe AUD.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

People who drink alcohol once in a while are unlikely to experience withdrawal symptoms when they quit drinking. However, heavy drinkers will likely have withdrawal symptoms when they break the habit.

According to the National Dietary Guidelines, a cautious approach for safe drinking for women includes one drink a day. The guidelines recommended for men is two drinks per day. Consuming more than the recommended amount increases the chances of health issues and withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to moderate to severe depending on the amount and period a person has consumed alcohol. Such signs can occur between six hours to a few days since their last drink.

Common Withdrawal Symptoms Include:

Other severe symptoms may occur in two to three days, while some milder symptoms may persist. Serious withdrawal symptoms known as Delirium Tremens (DTs) can occur during this time frame. Examples of such severe symptoms include seizures, delusions, and hallucinations.

What is Alcohol Rehab

When alcohol drinking gets out of control, a person can try various means to reduce or quit drinking. Unfortunately, their attempts to stop on their own may be futile. As a result, they must seek assistance from a medical facility to efficiently manage their withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol rehab is a professional treatment program that helps alcohol-dependent persons recover from the effects of attempts to quit effectively. 

Alcohol rehab centers offer outpatient and in-patient programs. Patients with mild AUD symptoms opt for an outpatient program. However, most facilities recommend in-patient programs for individuals with severe symptoms. Such programs enable alcoholists to overcome withdrawal triggers.

We Accept Most Major Insurance

Group 26
Group 25

How Does it Work?

The AUD recovery process begins when an alcohol addict is admitted to a rehab center. 

The first step after admission to a rehab center involves detox. The purpose of medical detox is to ease the patient through the withdrawal process. This is the most challenging stage for most patients since immediate abstinence from alcohol can result in psychological and physical harm.

Patients are then taken through therapy programs for a stipulated period.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Based on cognitive theory, patients are trained to identify and substitute behaviors related to alcoholism. They do this by applying different skills that help interrupt addiction.


Individual Therapy

The rehab program involves an individualized treatment that focuses on personal alcohol use. People have different triggers, and identifying individual motivations can help each patient.


Family Therapy

The program facilitators involve a patient’s family in applying behavioral strategies taught in the program. The therapy allows family members to help their patients use skills taught and improve in a home environment.

Get Alcohol Rehab in Lancaster, CA

When someone’s alcohol consumption seems to get out of control, it is vital to seek professional medical intervention assistance. 

Rehab Centers are licensed to provide professional assistance to alcohol and substance addicts. Despite the number of AUD treatment centers in California, not all are the same. Finding a treatment program that best suits your specific needs is crucial. 

Not all programs can offer the specialized treatment that most persons suffering from AUD deserve. Finding a trusted schedule that will suit the patient’s needs is essential for recovery. 

We have a Social Detox program at Bellagio RTC in Lancaster, CA. This program enables patients to ease withdrawal symptoms when they quit alcohol. We provide individualized treatment for each patient considering their motivations and triggers.

Contact us today to give your loved one a decent recovery from alcoholism.