How to Help a Parent with a Drinking Problem

parent with a drinking problem

Alcoholism is a serious but treatable illness. With the right approach, it’s possible to stop abusing alcohol and enjoy a full life. Unfortunately, people who suffer from this problem aren’t always aware of treatment possibilities. That’s where their family members come in. Children who suspect their parent has an alcohol abuse problem can help them […]

Signs of Drug Use in Teens

Young Teen Smoking. Learn the signs of drug use in teens

Substance use in teens is a prevalent problem that worries every American parent. A recent survey commissioned by the National Institute on Drug Abuse show in 2021, 32% of 12 graders and 19% of 10th graders said they used illicit drugs in the past year. Another 10% of 8th graders admitted to using illicit drugs […]

Can You Overdose on Suboxone

can you overdose on suboxone

When you or a loved one is dealing with substance or alcohol abuse, it’s only natural to look for solutions in any way possible. Unfortunately, that process can also lead to issues when working with sometimes highly delicate medications like Suboxone.  Patients who take Suboxone to overcome their alcohol or opioid dependence need to understand […]

Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse

signs of prescription drug abuse

Most people think of illegal drugs when they hear “drug abuse,” but prescription drugs can be just as dangerous.  In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than half of young adults aged 18-25 have misused a prescription drug at least once. Prescription drugs are also the second-most abused drugs by the […]

Teen Drug Abuse Statistics

teen drug abuse statistics

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, teen drug abuse has become a serious problem in the United States. Every year, thousands of teens die from drug overdoses, and many more suffer from the devastating effects of drug abuse. Drug abuse can lead to addiction, a chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by the behavior […]

Signs of Overdose

friends explaining signs of overdose

Substance abuse is not limited to accidental overdoses or use by those seeking a high or an unhealthy high. It is crucial to detect the indications of an overdose and act immediately to reduce the effects. It is important to get medical help as soon as possible, regardless of how the overdose happened. Someone can […]

How to Get Someone to go to Rehab

get someone to go to rehab

A 2017 survey found that nearly 21 million persons aged 12 and older had a substance use disorder. The same study discovered that roughly 8.5 million of the above population had a co-occurring or dual diagnosis that showed both a substance use disorder and a mental disorder. Over 80% of those affected by SUD disregard […]

Effects of Long-Term Alcohol Abuse

effects of long-term alcohol abuse

Alcohol use disorder is a medical condition that involves frequent or heavy alcohol use. People with an alcohol use disorder cannot stop drinking alone. They may not be able to stop drinking even when it causes problems in life. In some cases, people will experience emotional distress and physical harm due to their alcohol abuse.  […]

What are the Potential Dangers of Opioid Abuse?

dangers of opioid abuse

Opioids are both a miracle and a curse. When prescribed for people with cancer or severe injuries, opioids offer relief from debilitating pain. That same drug, however, is also highly addictive and can lead to an overdose. Accounting for almost two-thirds of all drug overdoses, opioid abuse comes with many dangers – one of them […]

Finding the Best Drug Rehab in Lancaster, CA

finding the best drug rehab

Choosing a Treatment Center in Lancaster, CA, can be a complex and overwhelming process for anyone. The numerous available options can make choosing a drug or alcohol detox center challenging. There are over 16,000 substance abuse facilities in the United States alone. Therefore, there are many considerations to consider when choosing the right center. Having […]