How Long Does Klonopin Stay in Your System?

a hand with pills

Klonopin is a prescription medication used to treat several ailments including anxiety disorders. It is a type of benzodiazepine often prescribed as an antianxiety agent for panic disorder, but it can also be taken for epilepsy and seizures. Regardless of the reason why someone takes it, this drug can remain in the system for weeks […]

Desert Wellness Center

woman practicing yoga in the desert

Recovering from addiction almost always requires temporary respite from a stressful and heavily conditioned environment. For those in recovery, many familiar settings are often replete with the pressures and temptations that fueled their addictive urges. This stands in stark contrast to the solace and well-being a lasting recovery depends on. Facing an addiction while contending […]

Detox vs. Rehab

people in therapy

With addiction recovery, there are two main options: detox and rehab. Detox removes toxins from the body and is usually the first step in addiction recovery. Rehab is a more thorough recovery approach that addresses addiction’s physical, mental, and emotional aspects. While both are essential components of recovery, significant differences must be considered when selecting […]

Music Therapy

adult man listening to music

There are a lot of treatment options designed to help with recovery from addiction. In many cases, addicts need to choose a treatment method that focuses on their needs and mind/body wellness to help encourage recovery. Music therapy has shown increasing results for many patients struggling with mental health disorders or addiction.  What is Holistic […]

Yoga Therapy

yoga therapy

While the roots of yoga lie in ancient India, its branches have extended far and wide. Today, nearly every culture on the planet has been introduced to some form of yoga. In the High Desert of Lancaster, California, yoga therapy is being used to help people recover from drug and alcohol addictions. Along with other […]

Horticultural Therapy

horticulture concept

Several therapeutic processes help people deal with addiction and mental and physical issues. Horticultural therapy is one of the techniques used to assist individuals in their addiction recovery journey. This therapeutic approach has been widely used and has remained effective for a long time. Please continue reading to learn more about it. What is Horticultural […]

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?

man experiencing loss

Cocaine is a highly potent stimulant that has the potential to lead to addiction swiftly. To maintain the powerful yet fleeting effects, cocaine abusers often utilize the drug. However, many people cope with a hazardous reliance as their tolerance increases. Several variables influence how long cocaine is detectable in the body and how long it […]

How Does Xanax Affect the Brain?

woman in bed taking a pill

Today, the widespread abuse of Xanax is a significant health concern in the USA. Recent statistics estimate that about 125 000 people visit emergency rooms each year due to the recreational abuse of Xanax. Many believe Xanax is safe because medical professionals commonly prescribe the drug to treat panic disorders, anxiety disorders, and other related […]

How Long Does Meth Stay in your System?

someone sitting and receiving treatment for meth use

In the U.S., each week, more than 500,000 people use meth to get high, and more than 25 million Americans admit to having used meth at least once. Around 1.5 million Americans are believed to struggle with a meth use disorder, and there are 23,000 overdoses each year, according to the National Institute on Drug […]

Does Methadone Cause Weight Gain

person sitting next to scale

Opioid recovery puts the body through many changes. Sudden weight gain or weight loss can be attributed to opioid addiction treatment. As the most common pharmacological intervention for opioid dependence, there’s a lot of discussion about the effects of methadone maintenance treatment.  One of the most talked about issues regarding methadone use is how the […]