Individual Therapy for Addiction in Lancaster CA

Bellagio In The Desert Residential Treatment Center


Someone struggling with addiction, they need to take all the steps available to ensure their best chance at recovery. After a person admits that they struggle with addiction, the next steps include detox and recovery. What exactly does recovery entail? 

Recovery can include a variety of things, such as in-patient treatment, group therapy, and individual therapy.  As the person works with a therapist, it might become apparent that the person has a combination of mental health disorders. If this is the case, the person will need to be treated for both.

Individual therapy for addiction treatment is common. However, if a person has never had treatment for addiction or individual therapy, they might have questions. This guide can help people struggling with addiction understand the ins and outs of individual therapy.

What is Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy for addiction recovery is a one-on-one session between a patient and their therapist. During these sessions, the patient should feel safe and secure. 

It provides the person struggling with addiction a safe and isolated space. In this space they can explore the causes of their addiction. They can also explore the methods of behavior that they can use to avoid relapse. 

The approach taken during an individual therapy session depends on the needs of the patient and the type of therapist. Whatever the approach, the patient needs to feel comfortable with it as well as trust the therapist. Without trust and willingness to open up, the patient can’t receive the full benefits of individual therapy. Therapy has been proven to benefit patients suffering from addiction or a dual diagnosis. 

Individual therapy will evolve as the patient gets better and begins to focus on the underlying issues. A therapy session might be different from one session to the next. However, a patient might expect some or all of the following elements:

  • Discuss and review the results of the patient’s most recent drug test
  • Depending on where the patient is in their recovery, discussion will focus on topics relevant to the patient and their recovery
  • The therapist will ask the patient whether they’ve used drugs in between sessions, along with any other essential information
  • Reviewing and discussing past themes in the therapy


Individual therapy can be very effective at helping someone struggling to overcome addiction. As always, it is important that the patient be honest with the therapist and themselves. This way the patient will see the best results and remain in therapy as long as necessary.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Individual Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its main objective is to help patients learn how to change negative thinking patterns and unhealthy behaviors that are negatively impacting their lives. CBT is one of the most extensively researched forms of therapy. It has been proven to be an effective treatment for various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse, and more.

Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT has been shown to be an effective treatment for a wide range of mental health issues. Studies have shown that CBT can be especially helpful in treating anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, and more. In addition to its efficacy, CBT also has a number of other benefits. It is:

  • Goal-oriented: Patients work with their therapist to set specific goals for treatment at the beginning of therapy and track their progress throughout substance abuse treatment.

  • Highly structured: Sessions are typically scheduled on a weekly basis and follow a set format.

  • Hands-on: CBT uses homework assignments and other practical exercises to help patients learn new skills and put them into practice outside of therapy sessions.

  • Flexible: The length and frequency of sessions can be adapted to meet each patient’s individual needs.

  • Accessible: Since CBT is relatively brief and does not require any special equipment or facilities, it can be provided in various settings (e.g., an addiction treatment center, hospital, school, and a community mental health center).

What Are the Benefits of Individual Therapy?

People who struggle with substance use want the best chance at recovery possible. Before undertaking any form of therapy, the person needs to know that there are benefits to the path they choose. Individual therapy has many benefits for a person who wants to overcome addiction. Here’s a look at a few of those benefits:

Helps the Patient Make Lifestyle Changes

A person who struggles with addiction needs to make changes to their lifestyle. It might be the way that they spend their free time or the company they keep. The patient will need to identify any trigger is their lifestyle and make adjustments accordingly. 

Increases Support System

All people recovering from addiction need a support system in place to be successful. Individual therapy adds an additional layer to that system. Individual therapy creates a safe place for the patient to examine their lives and triggers. 

Discover Coping Strategies

During the initial stages of recovery, the patient is in detox. The detox process is followed by a period of in-patient treatment. At some point, however, the patient must return home, where they’ll find the same triggers that led to their addiction. A mix of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Individual therapy can help the patient create coping strategies to deal with these triggers and temptations. 

Determine the Root Cause of the Addiction

Most people who struggle with addiction have a root cause or trauma in their lives that led to the addiction. Some people also deal with a dual diagnosis. It takes therapy to determine the underlying cause of the addiction and to treat this cause. This is almost always the only path to a full recovery. 

Manage Emotions and Moods More Effectively

Most people who struggle with addiction use drugs or alcohol as a form of escape. One-on-one therapy can help the patient learn to understand their addiction. During individual therapy, people suffering from addiction are introduced to healthy coping skills. They will learn to regulate their emotions without using drugs or alcohol.

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Individual Therapy Sessions in Lancaster, CA

For a person struggling to overcome addiction, individual therapy can help with coping skills and promote long-term sobriety. People who struggle with alcohol or opiate addiction will greatly benefit from individual therapy. A recommendation of individual therapy isn’t always called for. However, when it is, the person wants to maximize their chances of a successful drug addiction treatment and alcohol addiction treatment. 

At Bellagio RTC, we offer individual therapy for addiction recovery in Lancaster, California. Our team and staff members are dedicated to helping patients recover and move forward with their life plans. Along with Individual therapy, Bellagio offers Group Therapy, Medication Assisted Treatment, and more! 

Reach out to us today to learn more.