Social Detox vs. Clinically-Supervised Detox

social detox vs. clinically-supervised detox

All substance abuse rehabilitation programs begin with detoxification. This is a critical process in which the patient’s body removes any drugs or alcohol in their system. Detoxification is not an easy process for most people. The process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for a person to fully detox. This […]

How to Get the Most Out of Group Therapy

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Almost all healthcare professionals concur that therapy sessions are crucial to a full recovery. It has helped people grasp the underlying causes of their addiction better. While also enabling them to address their past traumas. Group therapy has been demonstrated to be as beneficial as individual therapy for many conditions like anxiety and depression. It […]

Substance Addiction in the Construction Industry

addiction treatment for construction workers

Construction work is a respected and worthwhile line of work. However, it can also place its workers at a higher risk for alcohol and substance abuse. Alcohol and substance use disorders affect all professions and vary by work industry.

Substance Abuse among First Responders

addiction treatment for first responders

First responders see firsthand the most horrific scenes than the average human. They’re exposed to the devastating effects tragedies can have on individuals, families, and communities. The added strain of long and irregular hours can make them more vulnerable to developing an addiction.

Off-Shore Addiction: Fishermen and Drug Use

addiction treatment for commerical fishers

When a person works as an off-shore fisherman, they spend long periods of time away from working a physically demanding job. Off-shore fishing can be a rewarding job, but it is always a tough one. The time away from home and family and the increased isolation can lead to a drug dependency. 

Does great writing come from Addiction?

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Did you know that there are more than 50 famous professional writers with addiction throughout history? Some recovered and continued their careers, although it’s typically decades later. Others were less fortunate and have fallen victim to the disease. 

Actors and Addiction: Is there a connection?

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The entertainment sector glamorizes drug usage. Even while the media glorifies celebrities’ hard-partying lifestyle, many need assistance. Actors’ addictions may need specialized alcohol and drug recovery programs.

Substance Abuse in the Mining Industry

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Mining work is honorable, yet it’s also a hazardous and physically demanding work environment. The hours are long, the conditions are hazardous, and the workload is always full.